Team Faith Podcast
Recorded live from various GNCC races around the country - Team Faith Pit Pastor Chuck Lemaster shares God's Word with racers, mechanics and crew. Over the years, this program has developed into a "church" congregation. Welcome to the Team Faith Podcast!
111 episodes
Lessons I’ve Learned
Ecclesiastes 3:1 “For everything there is a season.”16 years on GNCC as your “Pit-Pastor.” It has been amazing - God has been so good. But there is more ahead, and it’s time to turn the page. How do I know? Because God really does talk to h...
Season 2024
Episode 13

The Rainbow and The Promise
The devastation across the Southeast is very sobering and our prayers go out to families affected. As we pulled the Team Faith rig into the John Penton GNCC, the remnants of Hurricane Helene were in force, though not nearly to the extent the so...
Season 2024
Episode 12

How Persecution Begins
Being persecuted for following Jesus doesn’t always look like we think. As far back as the first martyrs, false accusations and made-up stories were the basis for arrest, interrogation, imprisonment and ultimately death. As the old saying...
Season 2024
Episode 11

Can America Be Saved
Christ-less Conservatism will not save America. It’s not the Elephant, not the Donkey, it’s the Lamb! How should Christians be viewing the times, the culture (and the election) we’re living in? God judged his Chosen Nation for the sin of child-...
Season 2024
Episode 10

Ultimate Truth
How do we know it’s all true? Creation, The Flood, Jonah and the Whale. There’s one KEY in the Bible. If it’s true, then it’s all true! The Resurrection! Paul said “If Christ was not raised from the dead then our preaching is in vain.”...
Season 2024
Episode 9

Marriage Supper
Andy Davis filled in at the Mason-Dixon GNCC with a great message! From Genesis to Revelation: God redeeming his special creation and will culminate with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It was a fascinating overview of the Bible - informative,...
Season 2024

Hall of Faith
We’ve talked about Samson and Jephthah the last couple rounds. They both made terrible mistakes and seemed to be poor leaders. We used them as “bad examples!” However, they BOTH are listed in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith” passage!&...
Season 2024
Episode 7

On Purpose For a Purpose
“On Purpose, For a Purpose!” God outlined his plan for Samson’s life, yet Samson never fully stepped into it. God’s purposes prevailed, but Samson’s life was full of drama and disappointment. What lessons can we learn from the strongest man who...
Season 2024
Episode 6

Turn Right to Go Left
The Old Gray in Monterey, TN was the hometown GNCC race for Team Faith. Really cool to have Brian O'Rourke come out and share some stories - from botching the opening prayer at a jet ski race to winning gold at X-Games! There were some definite...
Season 2024
Episode 5

Swayed by Culture
How did the crowd miss that Jesus was The Messiah? They started out so good: “Hosannah!” But within a few days, “Crucify him!” Jesus came to fulfill a promise God made way back in Genesis, yet the people assumed he was there simply ...
Season 2024
Episode 4

Discerning Truth
4 years ago, the world shut down. Churches too! In hindsight sight, many pastors wished they hadn’t shut down at all. And others, namely those who latched onto the out-of-context “love your neighbor” theme - have gone wholesale into decep...
Season 2024
Episode 3

Free From Sin
Last week during the “Not Ashamed” message, I made the statement that “Jesus came to set us free from the penalty of our sin AND the dominion of our sin.” Yet, so many times it seems that even as Christians, we are dominated by sin. How can tha...
Season 2024
Episode 2

Not Ashamed!
Romans 1:16 says “I am not ashamed of the Gospel.” But what does that mean? Die for the Good News? Sure. But Paul also demonstrated in that passage how to stand for truth in a culture that denied Ultimate Truth. Welcome to Round 1 of t...
Season 2024
Episode 1

Israel & Jesus
Hamas attacks Israel. Israel responds. Protests erupt. Is this Biblical? Apocalyptic? How should a Christian view Israel? How should we respond? All good questions, but there is one “question behind the question” that must be answered: “Why did...
Season 2023
Episode 12

Chapel from The Buckwheat 100. We talked about courage and looked at an obscure Old Testament king, Jehoshaphat. He’s actually a model of what NOT to do! But there was a prophet who is part of his story, Micaiaha, who was bold without reservati...
Season 2023
Episode 11

Sound of Freedom
“The Sound of Freedom” movie was released this past summer - it’s the true story of Tim Ballard who quit his job with Dept of Homeland Security to pursue a sex trafficking ring in S. America. At the end of the movie, statistics were given stati...
Season 2023
Episode 10

True North
The earth’s magnetic field is actually not at true north! Depending on where you are on the globe, it’s off by a few degrees. Much like our culture, it also changes! (By about 50km/yr) As Christians, the Word of God is our True North - but ther...
Season 2023
Episode 9

Purpose in the Pain
“Purpose in the Pain” was the message for the Mason Dixon GNCC. It’s a tough topic! Life is hard and often unfair. Where is God? Does He know? Does He care? I can assure that not only does He see our suffering but He USES it to bring u...
Season 2023
Episode 8

I’m a ”mistaker!” I do dumb things all the time! Will that keep me out of Heaven? Or is there something more? A young man asked Jesus a similar question. It’s the story of “The Rich Young Ruler” in Matthew 20. We discussed at the (very muddy) J...
Season 2023
Episode 7

The difference between Christianity and 40,000 other belief systems (religions) is that only Christianity can claim proof that it IS the way. And that is through a resurrected Savior - something only God could do! But how do we know th...
Season 2023
Episode 6

Snake on a Pole
John 3:16 is probably the most recognized Scripture reference, although many people do not know what it actually says. Nonetheless, many athletes use the number 316 to point the way to Jesus, who gave his life so that none would perish.
Season 2023
Episode 5

Ancient Calendars
Ever since Genesis 3 there has been a Problem and a Promise! The problem is sin. And the promise is that the serpent’s head would be crushed! The way God brought about the promise is fascinating. Detailed to the very day of the Crucifixion, Bur...
Season 2023
Episode 4

Killing Lions
The General GNCC Chapel: Honoring God in the little things, or “Killing Lions!” 😳We looked at the parable of the talents (did you know a biblical “talent” of gold would be worth nearly $1.5 MILLION in today’s currency?). And then turned our...
Season 2023
Episode 3

Honoring God
I Samuel 2:30 says, “I will honor those who honor me.” In context, there’s a bit more to it. We dig in at the Wild Boar GNCC Chapel and learn about honoring God in the Old Testament and honoring God now. There are some real life examples of peo...
Season 2023
Episode 2

REVIVAL in America
A revival started in 1970 at Asbury College and swept across the USA! Ripple effects from that still affect our culture today. Is God doing it again?! How does that work? If we really are living in the End Times, won’t there be a “Falling Away?...
Season 2023
Episode 1